Kannapolis has experienced slow growth during the last four years. The next four years will see great change. With an almost complete change in the Kannapolis City Council the need for leadership is critical.
It is imperative that the citizens of Kannapolis have an experienced, dedicated, and qualified leader who knows what to do, how to do it, and cares enough to get it done.
We cannot afford the time it would take for “on-the-job-training." We need a person that can get the job done. William Cranford is the only candidate for this seat who has the knowledge and experience required to move our city forward. He lives, works and raises his family here in Kannapolis.
- Preserving our quality of life
- Growing our local economy
- Keeping you and your family safe.
- Lower Taxes
- Road improvements
Make your vote count this election! Support the most qualified, and dedicated candidate on the ballot... Vote!!! William Cranford